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Poster Name:
all brothers & sisters

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />serious advice<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Attention all potential Pepperdine Greek Life Members: This website is just the worst. You'll find bitterness, self-ranking, and some really intense slamming of others. This is not the best of what comes out of Greek Life, and I'm sorry for that. It's an anonymous site, and humans will be human. If you can just click away, I encourage you to do it. If it's still too enticing to read the way everyone has put each other down in the discussion threads, that's alright. But take it all with a serious grain of salt. Don't let this discourage you from going Greek. That almost happened to me three years ago. I'm so grateful it didn't. And if you're a member of Greek Life already- come on. I know you love someone dearly who wears different letters. We're better than this. Think twice. This site makes everyone look bad.
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