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Poster Name:
Greek babe

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />positive <br /><br /> Poster Message:
This is the truth: The best looking girls are in Kappa and DG. They both have different types of girls, so you really can't compare. Kappa has been seen as number one in the past but it is up to preference. DG has a few cute looking girls, mixed with average ones. Where as Kappa has the few strikingly beautiful ones mixed with average. Kappas tend to go out more, and be the most outgoing. DG's give more of a conservative vibe. Yes it is true that Kappas last two PC'S haven't fit the "Rich Blonde" Stereotype, but they still have hot girls in each PC. Yes it is true that DG's last two PC'S have a lot of artsy girls, but they are also well rounded. I would say DG has the cute, very natural kind of plain jane look for the majority of the chapter. I don't mean this in a bad way at all. I would say Kappa has more blondes and recently have been more diverse. But the hot ones are drop dead gorgeous. After hearing about Rush from Rho-Chi friends, girls love talking to Kappas and get a good feel from them. They love talking to DG too, but it's more their pref that wins girls over.
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