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It's sad

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I'll be the one to say it. Pepperdine sets quota to achieve parity. It's in the bylaws. We could take more girls at many houses amd would love to but GPhi doesn't reach quota so we all have to take less. It says quota will benefit Panhellenic not PNM at all. So cuts will be made when Gphi doesn't have enough girls. And I have nothing negative to say about any Gphi. I actually don't understand the problem besides the recruitment events They try to do that before bid day but not always. Bylaws say you can then get a snap bid which would be from Gphi. I thought they told girls this is advance but I'm not sure. They don't want to do this. But ... This sounds mean but it's the way it is. Check the bylaws. And this is an accurate statement they don't have enough girls to run recruitment and alumni and other schools come. This year it was USC. In the end girls drop out and they have a smaller PC anyway so it just hurts the PNM girls All that P has to do is guarantee you a bid fen Pref and let our quota be larger. Let the PNM choose where they want to be. We are just as comepetive as bigger schools because we only let a chapter take 25 girls. This should not be a secret it's a Panhellenic bylaws not chapter selection. It's a secret becaise they don't want complaints from girls and families paying 70 grand. Give us an update ! Good luck
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