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This is how it goes. It usually works out but if it doesn't, they offer you that bid at the end. It's trickier if you only have one house left. Pepperdine should honestly just put you in one from Pref Night . They shouldn't do this. It Is totally unkind. Pepperdine's favorite word is kind. They are trying to equalize the situation for GP but it doesn't work. We could have easily taken 20 more PNM and would not have affected sisterhood. We have no houses. We could take a PC of 50. Actually would have been better for dues and events. The girls in GPhi are great and great asset to Pepperdine but it's small, girls drop out before they join. That's just the truth. They need alumni and other schools to run recruitment with them. So it keeps going round and round. Who would want to join them at the end of the week without going to their video philanthropy and pref events. Good Luck. And sophomores do welll with Rush. Juniors not so much but they still set aside a few spots. And if you end up with junior and senior friends in some house, that could help and some girls do drop as time goes on.
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