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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />bids <br /><br /> Poster Message:
If you get invited to only one preference party go and rank them. Do you get a bid from them ? At info night and send off parties I hear no girl will be left behind from the students and Pepp staff . But now I'm hearing you can find out Monday am before class that you are cut completely. Brutal !!! Is that true. Someone also said the other houses you didn't rank could bid you. Or is that true. I know they call that Snap Bid but at other schools Snap bid if for houses that have room and they bid girls that dropped out. Why wouldn't Pepperdine just let me visit all the houses that invited me back so I met them and connected I haven't seen one of them since the first day rush.. I read the one response but after reading the Rush Book it said girls who do not receive an bid primarily are from not maximizing or suiciding . It did not say solely ---- many girls have one party even southern crazy schools and USC give you one of your preference and if only one,you get that one. Anyone been through this to give me a real answer not the Pepp PR answer And someone I asked said we can't tell you that's part of chapter secrets. It doesn't seem like a secret. Seems like it would be a rule
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