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The formal recruitment booklet received when you register usually includes a basic per semester costs for each house. You will notice your first semester outlay as a new member is higher than your second semester as an initiate, and that's usually due to one-time fixed expenses every neophyte pays to their national group. Be aware groups list a cost which exclude some mandatory, as well as optional, incidentals. Monetary fines for missing meetings, pledge and initiation badge costs, social function costs, little/big gifts, and food fees for when you eat at the house are expenditures not usually included in the listed per semester price tag. While these omissions may be minimal, they can add up and should be generally recognized as you look forward to joining your new home here in DeKalb. When I mention badge costs, each sorority has a different type of trademarked membership badge. Some groups charge you for your pledge badge as well as initiation badge. Initiation badges can come in several different styles for one single sorority, and therefore your eventual cost is determined by the style of badge you choose from the group you join. Briefly and politely inquiring about payment plans and scholarships to cover dues and fees is welcome during recruitment. No house wants to bid a woman who hasn't at least thought about the financial as well as the social obligations required during her lifetime of sorority membership.
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