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ON THE REAL, there is no way that Chi O and Pi Phi rank that high if you factor grades and involvement. It's pretty well known around Chi O that they need smarter girls and they aren't involved at all. Pi Phi's grades and involvement have been terrible as of late as well. I don't believe that any one sorority is better than the other if you factor in all four of those things. The most attractive ones are obviously Pi Phi, Chi O and A Phi, the most involved are DG, Kappa and Zeta, the most social are Pi Phi, Chi O, and Kappa, the best grades are in ADPi and KD, the best sisterhoods are in DG, Zeta, and KD. This is honestly how I'd break down each house ADPi- They're really smart, and classy, but run more like a business. APhi- They're pretty, but are easy and snobbish ChiO- They're the artsy popular girls. They're sort of cliquey and don't do much together. DG- They're just really sweet girls all around who love eachother. KKG- They're sporty and good natured, and have a good sisterhood. KD- They're sweet, but awkward and don't know what it means to be a sorority. Pi Phi- They're pretty, and party a lot, make unclassy decisions. Zeta- They show up everywhere, are always together, never wear makeup.
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