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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />theta <br /><br /> Poster Message:
from what I've heard and seen, theta hasn't done so well in recruiting for several years and take everyone without any sort of selectivity. That's nice for some girls, it just doesn't help their image or retention. they don't have very pretty girls, some are absolutely gorgeous, but looks aren't their main problem. The worst thing for them is taking girls with no social skills who scare away PNMs and some of the Greek community as well. Just...weird people. They have no common theme in the chapter: it's all a melting pot of different personalities and people, except they can't make it work because, as a result, there's constant problems with sisters bonding, making friends, and drama. They've been very cliquey among themselves and theres rumors that they have made it an effort to pressure girls, some who want to help improve the chapter, into dropping out as well. But I think once A D Pi comes, they'll be over and removed from campus. Their long term future just isn't foreseeable. Sometimes I think the chapter should close and maybe be rechartered eventually. 10 years and not much of a change. I think it would be good for everyone involved to just start over after everyone graduates. I might sound harsh but I'm sorry, having seen it for myself, and somebody needed to say something, maybe so this chapter can be saved: an outside perspective to make these girls aware. I wish them the best of luck, and hope this may motivate improvement.
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