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It's way too soon to give this sorority any type of stupid "Ranking" or put them into a made up "tier". This sorority has been on campus for less than a year. Yes they have a nice house, but as we can see from other sororities on campus - a nice house doesn't equal great sorority. Secondly, the true definition of what this sorority's reputation will come from their participation in Greek Week (which I expect will be high bc these girls are actually excited about Greek life and not over it like all the upperclassmen tend to get), how they do in recruitment (will be a HUGE defining factor), interactions with frats at socials (seems good so far), their social media (game is mostly on point) and maybe homecoming will be relevant. Issues I can see with this chapter is their ability to fill their house, what their housing requirements (most girls don't want to live in their houses for two years but some might) will look like and how much their dues will cost. This is coming from a older, I know I what im talking about, member of Greek life. Overall I see Gamma Phi turning into an amazing organization, right along with our 9 other fantastic sororities.
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