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Poster Name:
Kary Lee Howberg

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Spring Rush Events! <br /><br /> Poster Message:
Hey y’all! With COB around the corner, just wanted to give y’all an updated itinerary for the process! Usually top houses (ZTA, theta, and DZ) are the ones to give bids out first. BUT since ZTA isn’t COB-ing this semester, Theta will definitely be running the game. Theta’s first event will be a COB on COB event! This is a BYO corn eat contest at their house! Whoever eats the most corn, gets the first bid! Salt provided, but bring your own butter! If you’re looking for frat spring rush, TKE and SNU will be having a joint rush darty (since they’re pulling from the same pool of guys) the darty is this Saturday from 2-9pm at the Talley ballroom (mountains) and the theme is beer and brioche buns! Any other questions about rush, please let me know I’d be happy to answer in the comments. I work in the FSL office, so I know a lot about this stuff!
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