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Poster Name:
Nicole-Chi O

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />greek life positives<br /><br /> Poster Message:
As for Greek Life in general, I knew wonderful people in each of the other Sororities and Fraternities at NCSU. I suspect these nasty comments on here are written by merely one or two bad apples trying to bring people down. I feel strongly that I was more involved on campus and had better grades than I may have because of the emphasis that the Greek System put on scholarship and being well-rounded. I mostly loved going to mixers, football games and on the Fraternity formal/semi-formal trips. I also had a great time playing intramural sports against all of the other sororities and a few of the dorms. My main point is, if you are considering going through RUSH, do it. You will find the house that is right for you. Greek life at NCSU is awesome
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