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DEFINITELY RUSH. I'm in tisch too and studio hours can be crazy but it's definitely possible to handle it all. The first few weeks of being in the sorority is a bit crazy with all the new commitments but after a while, it's really not bad. Depending on your year and what sorority you may be interested, maybe hold off on the sorority until the spring semester or next year though only because you might not want it to have a negative impact on studio. Tisch has a lot of extra stuff out of the classroom but if you feel like you can handle it, doing both a sorority and being in Tisch can be a great time! As far as making friends outside of the sorority, don't worry at, AT ALL. Tisch is almost built to help you meet people and spend a lot of time with them and get close. I actually waited to join a sorority until sophomore year and a big part of my decision was because I wanted closer friends OUTSIDE of tisch. Don't get me wrong, I love my studio friends but at a school like NYU, you have to put a bit more work in expanding your friend-group. You'll have a very strong and unique bond with your studio/tisch friends and especially with your sisters - all are amazing and wonderful. GOOD LUCK!
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