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Poster Name:
NYU Greek Life

Poster Message:
Greek Life at NYU is nothing like Greek Life in the south. They're simply two different animals. Without a traditional campus and no fraternity row, Greek Life plays a much smaller role at NYU than other schools. I think only about 10% of the student body go Greek at NYU. Being less entrenched means that fraternities and sororities are only as strong as their membership; they don't have mansions or nice lawn parties to impress new members (for the most part). They've got to make do with what they have then and there. Take the reviews on this website with a (massive) grain of salt, and rush around to see which members you click with most. If I could give you any advise it would be to go in with no expectations. NYU Greek Life will probably surprise you in all it has to offer, but if you walk into rush comparing everything to the South... you're going to have a bad time.
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