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I think that the lack of support by the greek community is SAD. There shouldn't be any ranking of tri-sigma yet but the ones who are are probably referring to the girls working the table (who seem very nice) As a student I am so sad that I go to a school where people are this brutal! Grow up, they were let back on campus for a reason, if that is seriously a problem for you all form a group and go protest it otherwise keep your mouths to yourselves. This give EVERY SINGLE GREEK ORG. BESIDES TRI SIG a bad name! You all are acting like high school children! Just be nice! And WTF?? I am SOOOOOO glad to see that the insane grammar checking has made it's way onto this page also. JUST ANOTHER REASON TO HATE MISSOURI STATE! You all should take some time and think about what you say. You have no reason to dislike them unless you are either 1. Old and remember them. or 2. a member of another sorority that is losing their good rankings. Either way stop holding childish grudges. None of this should even be a topic of discussion.
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