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Hi Should I Join, I just want to start out by telling you to never ever judge yourself in comparison to the chapters members. And never ever change yourself to fit what you believe to be a stereotype of a chapter. Yes each chapter is a little different, each has different quirks but there is never a reason to change who you are or judge who you are because you didn't get an invite back to a chapter. Also, the stereotypes are just that, they are ideas that people come up with and cling to that A) change because the chapters are constantly changing and B) usually are simply based off of a persons assessment of one member of that organization. The process of recruitment works to find the right fit for everyone, so I know it may be too late... but I say give it a go with Kappa Delta even though they weren't your number one. I ended up in the chapter I put as my number two after preference and I couldn't see myself fitting anywhere else. They are amazing women and so kind, open, and nice. They do wonderful things on our campus and I think you should really give them a chance before deciding if it isn't for you. Recruitment sometimes sends us in directions we didn't think we would ever end up, that's the beauty of the process. Also, I am not a member of Kappa Delta, just so you know that I'm not "self-ranking" Good luck with your decision!
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