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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />freshman listen<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Sorry just kinda popped in here but freshman don't listen to greekrank for rush advice...granted they kind of have somewhat of a right idea of who belongs where but when your mindset is changed by reading some persons review of a frat or sorority then something is wrong. Go to the houses during rush and makeup your own mind on where you belong. Remember that liking the seniors is great but its the juniors and more importantly sophomores that you have to like because the seniors will be gone and the current juniors you won't see that much unless they are extremely involved in your pledge process and you are total boys with them...Just keep in mind as you go through rush and find what you are looking for and most importantly where you actually belong because in the end, if you are faking to fit in somewhere, it might not be the best fit... One more thing, look at the kids that could be in your pledge class and see if you like them or not since you will be spending your last 3 and a half year together.
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