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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />updated rankings <br /><br /> Poster Message:
I think we have to look at the facts: Beta although great rep has taken a HUGE hit. Phi tau has been able to survive with their pledge class. Also to be honest everyone and their mother claims to be rushed and picked by dke, but unless you were actually chosen to be in their class, you probably were not a loss to them. Whether they got the absolute best group of kids I don't know, but It is the most selective group and they have held some crazy low key parties lately. DKE is small though and never really can host huge awesome open parties, holding them back slightly. Furthermore Tach has been losing ground to phi delt and DU. Du goes ahead of tach in this ranking but it is close. Also sigma is put near the bottem but they are making a come back with some of their parties. Ranking are as follows: DKE TAU Beta du Tach Phi delt/ sigma tied BDS
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