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-Beta parties have a lot of girls dancing on tables and guys watching from the side but they are still fun as the have so many fun guys, and there is usually a well lit area to talk. -Society parties usually feature a lot more dirty dancing, are often very hot/crowded due to the lack of a frat house, still a crazy time. Herd some mixers flirt with nudity. Cool guys but pretty exclusive. 2. Tau also has a pretty big dancing scene espechaily when the basement is open. Great after hours. Can't wait for abroad boys to come back.! 3. Du similar to tau yet they have more ransoms at their parties, huge house, lots of dancing on tables, etc. less frequent due to football season. 4. Tach has so good kids but parties have been a bit of a let down this year. The parties are on the main floor witch is fun and less creepy. 5.delt has very infrequent parties but when they do they are pretty solid with a Very inclusive gathering of kids. 6. Sigma still kinda pulling classes of delt/tach rejects but they are more wild than delt. No house so rare parties are in off campus houses but you really got like the dude their to have a good time. Not my cup of tea. 7. Bds parties deftly a fun spot to be at as a freshman with no where else to go. Also don't have house so parties have different vibe, kinda lame for the most part but they go really hard on their mixers and do some cool decorations despite the effort everyone usually leaves before 12.
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