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Poster Name:
colgate greek

Poster Message:
Not rankings per say, but evaluations of each frat and where they are heading: Beta: Tough year after losing the house and having to go off campus. However, Beta will get their house back this fall and has a lot of promise with this years PC. Only downside is that this fall's PC will be strictly regulated and picked by Nationals instead of the brothers. DKE: Still hanging in there and sticking it to the man. Going forward DKE will continue to be DKE, pulling smaller but decent PCs and throwing some great off-campus ragers. Still waiting for them to throw one in the DKE chapel we all know they can still get into. Phi Tau: Got put in a tough spot this past fall only getting a PC of about 10 kids. This spring they stepped up big time for dirty rush and should pull in a great class this fall especially with Beta's rush restrictions. Still kills it socially throwing parties often. DU: DU diversified this year, taking a half football player class and half not. Going forward DU will gradually become less and less of the 'football house'. Threw the biggest open parties by far this year (Patriot League Champ party was epic) have nicest house on campus. TACH: Has slipped in the eyes of other frats in the last couple years but still throw consistent ragers and attract a lot of hot girls to their parties (playing fruity, girly music has its pros and cons I guess). Took a decent PC this year and will be competing with Tau and Beta in the fall.
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