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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />want to go thru recruitment but concerned about gp<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I'll be sophomore this year and my gpa is not the best. Fall of last year I had a really bad concussion from cheerleading so I didn't do well in 3 out of my 5 classes. This was mainly because they all had heavily weighted tests that made up the majority of the grades. Due to my injury it was very difficult to memorize the information so I did poorly on them. However, spring semester I made deans list and took a summer class to help boost my GPA. I have medical documentation excusing me from my grades in those classes but the school didn't do anything with it when I tried to turn them in. Unfortunately I'm still suck at a 2.5. I was wondering if I should go through with recruitment because I do regret not doing it last year or if I should just wait till spring when my gpa is higher. I'm a little unsure of what to do because I would like to be considered by all of the sororities but I know some require a higher gpa and don't typically make exceptions.
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