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When you have been #1 for decades and are the pinnacle of the social world do you really they have time to post on a site like Greek rank?…. They are too busy dating, enjoying their unique place of being the center of the CP and SLO social world, they are too busy basking in the love of the top sororities and deciding which top tier sorority girl to please the night away. They are also having to constantly deal with the rejects of their high bid standards that ended up at places like DX, SN, Phi Psi and the rest of the fraternities. LAMBDA CHI members do not know Greek Rank exists!, they are too busy enjoying the status the #1 fraternity has brought for decades. The ONLY Greek organisations that post on Greek Rank are the other fraternities not named Lambda who try to spam the site claiming they are #2 or EVEN the crazy, hilarious claim they are #1. Of course all the sororities post about their dream dates who all belong to Lambda. Ask ANYONE from Lambda about Greek Rank and they won’t know what you are talking about because they are too busy managing all their insta followers and their date requests.
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