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I know sigma chi isnt what it used to be but i would still have them in the row instead of KA. Also SN should be last in that row, maybe PDT. SAE -everyone hates them and hates to admit it but they are consistent. SX/SN/PDT KA/Pike/KS -SX is falling bad but KA is too small, Pike is too creepy and KS is still fresh to this level and need more time to build up. SN and PDT are consistent but lack the prestige and money of SAE or SX. ATO/TKE Fiji/PiKapp -ATO in trouble is still pretty solid tbh, to many peoples aggravation. TKE is solid but they just have trouble sculpting dudes and getting ride of their weirder vibe. Fiji is creepy and they dont do much but we all know theyre solid and likely back on the come up even if this last class was full of blanket bid guys. Pi Kapp is solid and has been for awhile but like tke they just have a weirder vibe to them. LXA/SigEp/ChiPhi ThetaChi/Beta -lambda and Sig Ep are hurting bad atm but are still solid. Chi Phi is solid but just chill when they should be doing more events. Theta Chi is growing rapidly but shaking their weird vibes is going to be tough. Beta is newer and slower and steady bidding has its pros for the long term and cons short term. DTD/DU/DX All are decent groups. Maybe dont do as much as they should but theyre 10x better than beig a geed.
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