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Poster Name:
Concerned mom

Poster Message:
I used to think that 6th, 7th & 8th grade girls were the meanest creatures on the planet until I read your post. No sorority should make you feel what you described in your message, & no sorority should expect you or your parents to pay for the privilege of feeling this way. I would expect this kind of behavior from insecure middle school girls, not from highly intelligent young women at one of the most elite universities in the world. Every sorority experiences occasional conflict, & not all of its members will be best friends. What you have described, however, is not a momentary problem. It is a serious lack of character & maturity in your sorority from the exec board on down. You should NOT pay for membership in any organization that permits or fosters an environment of intimidation for young women or that socially ostracizes its unwanted members & forces them to sit alone at meals. No young woman should expect to endure this kind of abuse when joining a sorority. Please share your experience with your parents & ask them for their help in withdrawing you from your chapter immediately. It is understandable that you were excited to be invited into a house filled with beautiful girls. Unfortunately, many posts on this website clearly indicate that sororities which focus ONLY on the beauty of prospective members often lack the substantive character needed to foster strong friendships & loyalty in the house. I wish you only the best in building new friendships elsewhere.
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