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Feel for you

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Sorry to hear about this, but I suggest you keep trying. It is still early in the semester and there are chances for you to make connections again in your chapter. Get in there and be proactive - go to all the events, volunteer for a committee or to help out another officer with her job, make an effort to reach out to a sister who may be taking the same class with you and see if she wants to grab a coffee or study. The thing that will bring you closer to people is shared experiences, not just chit chat, so look for those opportunities. Go to games and block with a fraternity and also join another campus organization to meet friends outside of your sorority so you won't feel so isolated at your own house (yes, you can make great friends with girls in other sororities and GDI's too.) The tier reputation is harmful because it prevents girls from following their instincts, but all is not lost. You can make it work but you have to do most of the work; the chapter is too large to babysit each member. Good luck.
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