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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Is this a good school and is social life here good?<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I know for many who want to go into humanities and/or foreign service Georgetown is a dream school....however I am STEM bound (looking to pursue some combination of math/physics/biochem) and I got rejected from HYP, MIT, Stanford, UPenn, Cornell and currently deciding between Georgetown and Michigan. Neither were my top choices and I only applied to Georgetown because both my mom and her dad went here. I have always been in a NE private/prep school environment so Gtown feels like a culture fit but Michigan has the superior STEM culture and departments... please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like Gtown is not worth it if you plan to do anything in hard STEM?... im also hoping to dabble in greek life and my worry is it is too lowkey here? Really confused between these two great schools... Michigan is the business, science and engineering powerhouse vs Gtown is more familiar culturally ... Gtown STEM folks please help
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