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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />spring recruitment honest <br /><br /> Poster Message:
With spring recruitment coming up, i just want to wish all the women out who are thinking of rushing good luck! I know you are all wondering "which one is the best sorority" well the answer is that all of them are great in their own way! I suggest keeping an open mind & not rely on the rankings on here as one's experience can differ for u. Be yourself because ur going to pay lots of money & be in that sorority for life so u want to make sure its the sorority that fits u not one that fits others' opinions whether its a bunch of frats boys 'opinion or ur bestfriend's on which sorority is the best. Find one that is best for you & ur values! The best way is to go & talk to the girls from the sororities you're interested in & not looking on social media :) Don't be afraid to go up to someone wearing their letters & ask abt their sorority, I'm sure they wouldn't mind telling u what u need to know!
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