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Giant Load Of Crap

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You write as much as you did for all the other sororities, but only put 2/3 sentences for Kappa, obviously shows you know nothing about them. If Kappa is such bottom tier, then why does everyone have so much to say about them. The only people who have negative comments is freshman (who know nothing), girls who don't like someone in the sorority, or someone who has time to write negative rankings behind a computer screen. No, they may never be the number one sorority on campus, here's the thing- THEY DGAF. Their sister is strong, their philanthropy is great, they are genuine, nice, kind, and pretty. Even more important, they live their lives and they go on to do great things after Furman- and in the REAL world where no one cares about who's who at little old furman university. I'm sick of everyone dogging these girls when they have done nothing wrong. If you actually care about rank and status, then you must live a sad, insecure life. Quit bashing other women and lift others up. Just because something/someone else is beautiful, does not take away beauty from something else. Now to think of it, all of your rankings are super cruel and biased. All of the sororities are great in their own way. There may be a couple bad seeds in each group, but thats life. ADVICE TO FRESHMAN- Ignore the opinions, and go where you feel loved and cared about!
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