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Top to Bottom. KA/PiKapp: Big classes, high quality guys, and they all seem to be really tight with eachother. Great recruitment and a great pledging program. SigChi/Beta: Beta wins in terms of quality and class cohesion, but the sheer size of SigChi's class might give them an edge. That's not to say the SigChi guys are bad or anything, they're mostly an awesome group, but they don't seem to mesh as well together as the other new spring classes. Either way, solid class on both sides. SigNu/TKE: Tiny tiny classes, almost no campus presence whatsoever from the spring class. SigNu's failure is shocking after a tremendous performance last year, and TKE is still experiencing a few growing pains. Both groups will do much better next year if they start planning for recruitment now.
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