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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Recruitment Scoop<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Meant to post yesterday, but too tired. Heard rho gams in the thick of gossip drama. Guess they didn't see me. One pnm was dropped by nearly all groups and they couldn't believe it. They kept talking about her and saying she has it all going for her. One said it has to be jealousy. The other was speechless. They kept going back and forth. One said she could have been in any of the groups even the top. One rho gam looked extremely disappointed and was without words. She was like what do you say to someone like that? Especially when you know there is not an honest reason. They said you can't even tell her she might be picked up later because she was dropped immediately. There was more of a rant, but you get the point.
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