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Poster Name:
Sorority Women

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />panhel love ?<br /><br /> Poster Message:
It's honestly disgusting how women in Greek life are posting negative things about other organizations on here. We're not only supposed to be upholding our own values but ALSO CPA's values. There are SO MANY people who have such negative feelings towards Greek life & ALL y'all are accomplishing is giving Greek life a bad name. Just because we're all in separate organizations & have different values & morals doesn't mean we need to bash each other. No organization is better than any other organization. We are ALL supposed to be working to IMPROVE Greek life on FAU's campus & talking bad about one another is ONLY tearing us down. Instead of putting each other down, why don't we lift each other up. If you think your organization is the best, well guess what... You're ONLY as strong as your weakest link. So why don't we all come together to improve NOT ONLY our own organizations but CPA as a WHOLE. That's honestly one of the most important things we can do to make Greek life better at FAU. You're disrespecting your own organizations by talking badly about one another, so think about that. Each organization is based on values & standards & by bashing each other you're Not even living up to your own organizations standards. If you've ever commented something negative on here about another organization then how do you ever expect Greek life at FAU to grow if your just giving it a bad name? Constructive critism is COMPLETELY different then just being straight disrespectful & mean.
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