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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />i find it hilarious..<br /><br /> Poster Message:
This REALLY isn't a difficult concept, ladies.. Everyone can tell you're spamming old ratings, especially when half the comments are numbers, and "asdfdsajkfjdslka" come'on. - - If you joined a sorority 4 years ago that was top tier, and it's no longer top tier, then I'm sorry to say, you failed at your job as an active. You may have had a great reputation, but your pledge classes didn't keep that going. Things change. You can't rush a top sorority and expect to not put in effort. Top tier status is something you have to earn. As for the girls that were once the bottom, they probably got sick of being talked bad about and stepped up their game. Thats why we see all these groups rising and the old toppers falling.
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