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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />the truth about adpi<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I think it's safe to say ADPi is and Zeta have taken over greekrank.... lol. In any case, it's annoying to hear everyone saying "they've improved so much!!" ... I mean, last year 1000 great girls went through rush. I think it was a better batch than normal because all the sororities (except maybe kappa and tri delt) improved a lot. pi phi, chi o, theta, and even zeta completely knocked it out of the park. A chi o, I thought, got some pretty awesome girls too. Truth is, every girl rushing who I saw during rush I who I thought "uh...she's not really sorority material.. I wonder where she'll end up" either withdrew or went ADPi (one or two went zeta though). Bottom line, lots of not pretty girls. You can name a few, but every single other sorority can name 10X more. No cheerleaders or models or smoking hot girls are in ADPi. the ones who are sort of pretty tend to be awkward. a lot of them are pretty awkward. A lot of them aren't typical sorority girls... lot of crazy feminists and weirdos. I'm sorry. If you want something not elite that takes everyone, go ADPi. To an extent though, your letters do define you and how people see you. If we get another sorority, ADPi could definitely climb to middle tier, to about where Zeta is. I don't ever see them being top tier though, so if tiers are at all important to you, don't. depending on how much your heart is set on being a sorority girl it may just be better to be a gdi than an adpi
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