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Poster Name:
tru stuff

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Hey PNMs <3 <3 <3<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Calling all girls interested in learning about greek life and rushing this semester! is important to recognize that greek organizations nationally have systemic issues and Emory is no exception. Check out the Greek life at Emory instagram page for stories. the responses on each of the sororities' instagram accounts. Understand the type of organization you want to join and how they are working to improve. Next...and I cannot stress this enough...get off this website. You will have fun no matter which group you choose to join. This site is toxic and unproductive. On top of that, Greek life in general has been "on pause" since the pandemic started making all rankings irrelevant and misleading. Every sorority has fun, smart, outgoing Emory women. Do not write off a group before going into recruitment just because they are low ranked, new to campus, etc. Going in open-minded is the best!
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