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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />recruitment advice to all pnms<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Well I posted this 2 years ago and I think it needs to be posted again since recruitment is on the way: To all potential new members, do not be scared of going through recruitment. Do not worry about tiers or hazing. Do not have bias based on previous judgements from the past because the past is over with chapters have new people. No matter what sorority you end up in, at the end of Bid Night you will have a home with girls that a proud to be your sister. If you do happen to get hazed, then report it because it is dangerous. If you are worried about status and you end up in the "weird" sorority (which none are weird) then do something about it run for VP of Membership Recruitment and make a change or just give it a chance because you will end up falling in love with the sisters you will have. My Advice: Give every chapter a chance Do not drop recruitment if you do not get the sorority you wanted Do not allow yourself to be hazed Go through recruitment with friends, if you end up in a different chapter as them you can still be friends! Keep in touch with friends in different chapters Make Greek Life out to what it really is, an everlasting sisterhood Good luck with recruitment
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