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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />rushing again?<br /><br /> Poster Message:
So I didn't rush my freshman year due to some family issues. Throughout the year I saw how much I missed out because all my friends were in sororities except for me. So I tried spring rush but then realize that most of the girls who got bids already had strong connections with those houses. So I decided to rush my sophomore year, and all the houses I felt like I had a strong connection with drop me. I know that some houses make it seem that way and they can feel completely different about you. The biggest question I got in each house was "why did you decide to rush your sophmore year instead of your freshman year" and instead of giving the real reason which was family problems. I decided to say that "I wanted to focus in school and see how I balanced school work before adding another commitment in my life. Because if I am part of something, I want to be commuted 100% to that thing." And I felt like once I gave that answer to a house they would drop me. However, I decided to keep going until pref day after getting my heart broken several times throughout the week. I decided to drop on pref night because I knew that I would eventually drop anyway because I just couldn't see myself happy in any of houses I had left. I know that I am a sorority girl at heart. So I do not know what to do. Should I rush again? Even though the odds are against me?
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