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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />really, though.<br /><br /> Poster Message:
To all you nervous incoming freshman analyzing Greek Life before you even get here - Okay, based on this site, it makes some sororities look amazing and others look terrible (interchangeably day to day) due to their reviews. Honestly, NONE OF THIS MATTERS. If you really want to know, the most important part of sociality here is that you ARE greek. Geeds are the common enemy we all unite against.. even so, we still play nice with them. Pay attention in recruitment, that's literally the only time you will know what you want and even then, you only truly get a small glimpse into the life. This is literally a place where geeds can bash on us, or someone is spiteful at something or someone in another chapter - don't take any of it to heart. Most of the reviews on this site are self-reviewed, not so much a judge of the true tiers. Good luck in real life, freshies.
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