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Note: My rankings are based on the mid-2000's, so things may have changed a tad. From all I've seen around town, though, they're still pretty accurate. KA-southern farm money. They can be perfect gentlemen, but they can also be a bit conceited. Pike-high school jocks. Largely indistinguishable from Lambda Chi. Lambda Chi-high school jocks with tanning packages. Largely indistinguishable from Pike. Ironically, this leads to constant fights between the two for steroided up superiority. Sigma Chi-future loan officers of America. Good middle class boys who wear lots of Patagonia. AGR-Country music songs describe their lives. Very nice, very polite, well liked by most people, but not top tier. Sigma Pi-The only place where you can find emos, preppy republicans, exchange students, and hippies under one roof. Very strong brotherhood despite appearing to have nothing in common. For better or worse, though, they are definitely not stereotypical fraternity boys. ATO-strong fraternity at most southern schools, but their regional top tier reputation hasn't done them much good here. Lots of very nice boys who can have a great time, but they struggle a bit in the popularity department.
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