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Poster Name:
Satisfied Sophomore

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />bid night advice rant<br /><br /> Poster Message:
First things first. If you went through recruitment but dropped, stay in your room tonight, turn on your headphones to drown out noise and just relax and study. Columbia female GDI sophomore here. Y am I here you may ask? Well, one of my good friends who is a freshman went through recruitment this year and is currently inconsolable. This disappointed memory is fresh for me and I feel for her. I am also friends with girls in every organization and I have heard the same plight from every single one of them to know that a problem with recruitment exists and change needs to be made. What will be done? I also want to shed my opinion as I also went through recruitment last year as an impressionable naive freshman but quit after Saturday when I was dropped from my favorites. If I can help one disappointed freshman, then it's worth it as I too, shamelessly thought my world had ended. I felt many similar emotions to the women in the Spec and Bwog articles. In hindsight, being dropped was the best thing that could've happened to me. I have met so many interesting people that I may not have met otherwise, I have had time to work two valuable internships, and I have been able to find and learn more about myself throughout this year than ever before. There are so many more clubs and activities on campus to experience than the sorority system not to mention the best city in the world to explore. Take advantage of these opportunities and don't fret on being shallowly judged by strangers based on a a short meaningless conversation.
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