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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />words of advice to pnms<br /><br /> Poster Message:
To be fair, every sorority on campus has its own selling point. You could talk about "Theta DG top tier" blah blah blah (and they're two great sorors, don't get me wrong) but Columbia is such a unique place that it's not really helpful at all! Every sorority is definitely different, so it's crucial to understand their personalities, but that's something that you learn best during recruitment (or meeting girls during the fall semester). One word of advice having gone through recruitment: go with your gut and DONT FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS! One of my hardest decisions (and smartest decisions) I ever made was after pref night. I fell in love with the sorority I knew was right for me and chose it even though I knew all of my friends were choosing the other one I attended. It was so worth it and I made a million new friends from the one I chose while still staying close with my others! You'll end up vibing with one place, so follow your heart (not your friends or older family members) Best of luck to all the PNMs going through recruitment this month! At the end of the day, everything happens for a reason and you'll find the sisterhood that fits you best :)
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