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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />sorority recruitment<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I will be a freshman this fall. I'm coming from a small town very far away and will know no one at Columbia or in New York. I feel like a sorority will be a great way to make this big change a lot less scary. I am a little concerned though. I've read the news reports about the Kappa Alpha Theta party and wonder if I should even bother with recruitment since I am Mexican American. Is this kind of attitude that would make people think this type of theme is ok prevalent around campus? Are there non-white members in all the sororities? Will I be uncomfortable because of my race? I am both a first generation American and college student. My family is equally concerned. They worked very hard to support me and were so excited when I was accepted to Columbia. Now we're all pretty concerned that this might not be the right place for me after all. Any advice or help you could give would be so appreciated!
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