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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Different perspective on descriptions of houses <br /><br /> Poster Message:
From chi o all the way down to KD these houses are amazing, full of happy women who are thrilled to be apart of their chapter!! AXO- diverse group of women, super sweet, haven’t met a mean one, who is very passionate about their Philanthropy. They do really great events to raise money for it! They also do a great job on campus being involved and educating/raising awareness for their philanthropy. The past two years they have placed at several Greek events! ADPI- they have a diverse group of women as well who have different interests! Some partiers(what house doesn’t), some smarties, and definitely some in between! I have several friends in ADPI and they are so kind! They also put on fun philanthropy events, I have participated in lip sync battle two years and it was one of my favorite memories In Greek life! AOPII- they definitely don’t get a lot of hype but I’m hoping to spread positivity and light on all of these incredible chapters!! They are full of beautiful women who definitely know how to have some fun! They have an amazing CFF for sure! They always have super cute banners, they won w their banner for Pan spirit week! Don’t count them out PNMS, they do great work and are super fun!! Chi omega- many people complain about this house bc they are usually ranked #1, and take legacies and members form a certain zip code!! Rather you agree with how they pick their members or not, they are really smart and care about their careers. They work super hard, and do really great work w make a wish foundation. The events they put on are always a lot of fun honestly! They many girls from the Pom squad in this house as well, they are pretty well rounded group of girls. Tri delta- their philanthropy is just amazing and the work they do is impeccable!! They do a lot of fun events for it for sure, and towards the end of the year they go to st. Jude to see the hospital! They have a strong sisterhood and are definitely desired during recruitment. A house full of beautiful women, who work hard in school, and also know how to have fun! A lot of the women are pretty chill and laid back. They’ve also placed at several events this past year Delta gamma- though the newest on campus they are definitely on the rise! Majority of people who have met DGs will say they haven’t met a mean one. They are so diverse and so sweet! They work so hard. They had a dessert w dg event last year and it was a lot of fun! They always do anchorpslash which is tradition for dgs across the country for many many years. It’s a lot of fun and a very unique event! They have strong alumni (like a lot of the chapters on campus) they also volunteer at the VA, and make boxes for veterans, create coloring pages for blind kids among a lot of other things!! They also work with the burlsworth foundation. Don’t count out DG pnms just because they might not be as desired! They have a very strong sisterhood and always just seem so happy .They donated the most books this year, won lip sync battle the previous year, and placed 2nd at Greek sing! Ooo and I had their cff before and it was pretty great!
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