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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />run away it's a cult<br /><br /> Poster Message:
These people are so WIERD! They went to my FAMILY and gave them money! for info on me. They got me expelled from school via false reports. They even got ahold of my weed connect and he won't sell to me anymore. They got ahold of all of my friends on facebook and paid for their passwords so they could have conversations with me. They even went to my apt complex office and some of them moved in. They have been attempting to gain access to my router non stop. They will invade and ruin your LIFE! Avoid them like the plague! They even stalk me around town. They are un-American and against freedom of expression and Liberty in general. They want to control you and every aspect of your LIFE! Get out of my life or I will name names across this and other internet boards. that way everyone in town will know about you people. And if you wish to refute (prove wrong) my statements then let your actions speak for themselves by simply getting out of my life and going on about your business. Once again if you have campus police or other authorities move against me and encroach on my freedoms then you will prove to the world that you are un-American and that you are in fact cowards. I served this country and you people in turn give me nothing but disrespect and attempt to deprive me of my freedoms. If I remember correctly it was you all that called the cops on my first, so uncool. Real Americans don't trust or like cops. Prove me wrong. Prove to the world that you believe in freedom.
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