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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />greeks at uh and overall greek life<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Let me go ahead and say that I am in a fraternity, but I pledged and crossed at a much larger university with a strong Greek life. The reason why I'm posting this is because I not only want to help with my local chapter, but with all Greeks at UH. You newer guys, i.e. pledges/ji's, havent seen what Greek life here used to be. Ask any of the older brothers that joined 2-3 years ago, they can tell you how things used to be. As the school's budget gets slashed, the school in turn takes away funding from Greeks. Their goal is to push Greeks out of Bayou Oaks so that in turn can be rented out at higher rates to regular students. I know the houses aren't the best in the world, but being forced out would mean that Greeks would have to privately secure houses that would most likely be further and spread out. If any fraternities/sororities want to help fix/change how things are going ,just respond to my post with your letters. Or if you see me on campus don't hesitate to approach me. It's pretty easy to recognize me, I'm a minority that "frats" hard 24/7. Again, I just want to make Greek life more enjoyable for all of us.
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