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The girls who suicide bid usually are the same girls who are too full of themselves and care what other people think too much to actually find good friends and have a good time. Going into this past recruitment no one had any idea that ast or phi sig would recruit well because they’ve been continuously bashed on this site but they ended up doing well and I don’t think that the two will have a problem in future recruitments. Zta on the other hand continuously has girls dropping. I know so many girls my year who have dropped because of how fake the girls are and how they don’t want to go out together. Zta even banned their new members from going out on bid day. They have poor frat relations from never showing up to mixers and poor involvement in campus. This all affects their retention even if they can recruit well. That’s why they’ve been recruiting more and more upperclassmen. 11 this year I think. And 9 total girls in their pledge class dropped last i heard. I’m sorry but i won’t put it past zta to start bidding any pretty upperclassman just to make quota or do cob
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