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These trans inclusive policies are much more for show than anything else. The chances that a trans woman goes through rush at OSU or most other southern schools and gets a bid are pretty low. If the girls in the house are aware that a girl is trans then they probably won’t offer her a bid and claim it was for some other reason like gpa or not being a good fit. I think that’s wrong, but it’s just the reality. The policy at the national level is purely so they can appear to be more inclusive at a time when Greek life is (rightfully) coming under fire for being too exclusive and problematic. In my opinion, Greek life would be a much more enriching experience if people of all backgrounds and identities were included. And I think it’s great that trans women would feel comfortable enough to put themselves out there and go through an incredibly challenging and stressful process like rush to get to be alongside other women that could encourage them and help them find community. But that idea is probably too woke for people who just want to do photoshoots and spend more money on a philanthropy event than they actually raise.
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