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Your terminology isn’t even correct. Trans guys do not identify as women. Trans girls and trans women identify as women. Also, do you require the medical history of every girl joining your sorority? Do you double check their previous health problems or possible procedures? No! Because it’s not anyone’s business but theirs. Trans people should not be required to disclosure their history as a prerequisite to exist in society and join organizations. How would you even weed trans people out of recruitment without requiring them to disclose personal medical information? You talk about girls being “put into this situation” as if trans people are trying to get into your bed at night or assault you in the bathroom… trans people don’t pose a threat to you at all. You are at a way higher risk of being assaulted by the fraternities next door or the guys at the bars than you are by the existence of a trans person in your organization. That’s based on legitimate research and evidence.
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