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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />hateful comments<br /><br /> Poster Message:
I know Delt is not a top tier house on campus, that much is obvious to anyone. But I do not understand why everyone hammers them so frequently, especially on this website. Clearly they have had poor pledge classes in the past, but this last year they had a strong pledge class that did a lot on campus. This year it looks like they are going to have another strong pledge class. I am going through rush this summer, and I have talked to almost every house on campus, with the exception of PIke and Phi Tau. Delt was one of my favorite houses, and there is a strong chance I am going to sign with them. I know many times people say "He only went Delt cause he had no other options" but I have various other options and have received bids from what this website considers to be "top" houses. I think all the hate toward Delt is excessive and unnecessary. If the Greek community at OSU is truly this hateful toward one another, then I might even reconsider going Greek at this university. I'm sure there are other schools where the Greek community seeks to support and lift each other up, not tear each other down. Everything I see on this site honestly disgusts me. And Delt is not as bad of a house as everyone proclaims. However, I would sign with the "worst" house on campus if I fit in there. If it matters to you which house is considered good or bad (which makes Greek life seem like a high school popularity contest) then sit down and think about where you fit, not where you'll look the coolest
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