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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />sorority misinterpretation <br /><br /> Poster Message:
I'm sorry but all I see on here is who is good at Shows, homecoming, being pretty(?) being smart, being wild etc. if you are wanting to join a sorority please for the love of god DONT base your choice off of who can stick tissue paper in chicken wire and who can sing the loudest and even who is the prettiest? People who care about those kind of things are shallow and petty and aren't the kind of person you want to be one day. A geniue sisterhood and Philanthropic values are what matters. So stfu on judging who is pretty and who isn't, sororities pledge to not degrad other women, if you a sorority women who is on this site bashing, shame on you, if your a boy, shame on you more I wish you luck in ever finding true self worth.
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