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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />positive things about each sorority<br /><br /> Poster Message:
(going in order of the houses on the row, not by any “rank”) Chi Omega- great sisterhood, very encouraging, inclusive and not cliquey, deans cup, easy to talk to, involved in SGA, very social, usually wins intermurals Phi Mu- such a sweet group of girls, will probably give you a hug, love their philanthropy, also good at intermurals, fun to be around, usually happy, not cliquey Alpha Omicron Pi- tend to stick together, also good at intermurals, involved in CO, got all the girls on homecoming court, mostly sweet, great dances, very put together Alpha Gamma Delta- easy to talk to, very outgoing, involved in Panhellenic and dance marathon, love their philanthropy, likes to have fun, will come up and talk to you first, progressing quickly Kappa Delta- likes to have fun, nice one on one, very chill, involved in fraternity events, focused on one to one relationships, very relaxed about most things
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