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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />sisterhood <br /><br /> Poster Message:
I’m not in a sorority but I have friends in all of them tbh and some just seem happier to be apart of it than others. It may be because they just chose the wrong one or didn’t get into the one they wanted but you can just tell who has the best sisterhood by just being around them. Chi o is always laughing and cheering for each other (if anyone went to watch pikefest or derby they know this). Phi mu seems to be happy but they don’t seem as close or encouraging as the chi os. Alpha gam really does their own thing and has fun with it and they’re working harder on building their sisterhood and you can tell. Aoii just tries to copy chi o and phi mu but you can tell it’s not real and they’re more focused on looking cute than being with each other. Kd has some really sweet girls one on one or in their small cliques but they aren’t very close as a whole and you can easily tell just by being around them. Don’t get me wrong, I think girls could be happy in each and every sorority here (Greek life just isn’t my thing) and I don’t think there is a “bad” sorority on campus. It just depends on what you’re looking for.
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